Marketing Produce, Empowering Producers

The future of South African farming looks bright, with the country’s agricultural sector seeing a record positive growth for three consecutive quarters in 2020. Subtropico Market Agents is proud to be a key player in this resilient and diverse industry.

Our skilled sales agents work with producers and buyers around the country, to sell fresh produce and negotiate the best prices on behalf of the producers.

We connect the links in the food supply chain, bridging the gap between farmers, wholesalers, retailers and other buyers.

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Leaders in our Field

Our agents have years of experience in marketing fresh produce, and our centralised administration gives them the freedom to focus on doing what they do best.

With a healthy group structure, an established marketing network and dedicated personnel, we have become the preferred market agency for more than 6 000 producers across South Africa, and this thriving network continues to grow.

We sell fresh produce daily on 13 national markets and have a turnover of more than R4 billion per annum. We market more than 200 different variants of produce, and we market cattle via our sister company Vleissentraal.

Stats - 200 VariantsStats - 13 National MarketsStats - R3bn per annum

Supporting the Future of Farming

“Once in your life, you need a doctor, a lawyer, a policeman and a preacher. But every day, three times a day, you need a farmer.” — Brenda Schoepp

Farmers are an incredibly valuable asset to the country’s economy and food security. Our goal is to provide an excellent standard of service that helps the nation’s producers to thrive. Our agents’ expertise offers our producers unlimited access to successful marketing initiatives.

Subtropico Market Agents is a subsidiary of Subtropico Ltd, a public investment company. At Subtropico, we believe in the future of South African farming and we provide services to help the agricultural industry shine.

Our network of markets and distribution centers

Our Partners

Partner 1 - Future FoodsPartner 2 - ZirePartner 3 - YabengPartner 4 - WenproPartner 5 - vleissentraalPartner 7 - SFFPartner 8 - ProteaPartner 9 - PotbellyPartner 10 - FarmwisePartner 11 - NatsurePartner 12 - KimberleyPartner 13 - GW PoolePartner 14 - KLKPartner 15 - CitifreshPartner 16 - DW FreshPartner 17 - Durban


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